Offshore company formation in Wayoming
Wyoming company formation
Wyoming offshore company formation (LLC) is a smart and profitable solution. If you are a start-up or any other type of small business, you should definitely consider this USA state for your work. If you are a non-US resident and do international business, Wyoming might be a good solution. For a very reasonable price, we can set up a fast and simple company for you, which includes company documents, business address, and USA registered agent.
Wyoming LLCs have many advantages, but one of the best is strict privacy laws governing them, and that is why Wyoming is ranked high in the offshore world.
After you get LLC (Limited Liability Company), you are not personally liable for your personal property and assets for obligations of your Wyoming company.
Only one director and shareholder are required. Wyoming does not have a provision specifying where members/managers must reside.
What are the main benefits of setting up an LLC in Wyoming?
- Zero income tax
- Complete privacy
- Low formation cost and annual fees
- Quick and simple setup (everything can be done online)
- Stable jurisdictions with excellent USA Reputation
- No requirements for accounting and auditing
What are the steps to register a Wyoming company?
- Copy of the passport
- Address, telephone number and, e-mail address (contact person)
- Name of the company. Please send 2-3 names of your choice. Use of the word “Trust” is restricted. Use of the words “Academy,” “Education,” “University” and “School” requires approval by the Department of Education.
- Your payment to the EURO COMMERCE LLC bank account (To check out the formation fees please please see section Price List)
Opening an offshore bank account
Price List
1300 USD | Certified documents |
Registered Agent | |
Certificate of Incumbency | |
Courier fee |
700 USD | Annual report |
Registered Agent | |
Registered address |
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Frequently asked questions
Wyoming is a state in the mountain region of the western United States. It is the tenth-largest state by area, the least populous state, and the second least densely populated state in the country. Cheyenne is the capital and the most populous city in Wyoming.
Wyoming’s Constitution established three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and
judicial branches.
The Wyoming State Legislature comprises a House of Representatives with 60 members and a Senate with 30 members.
The executive branch is headed by the governor and includes a secretary of state, auditor, treasurer, and superintendent of public instruction. Wyoming does not have a lieutenant governor. Instead, the secretary of state stands first in the line of succession.
Wyoming’s sparse population warrants it only a single at-large seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and hence only three votes in the Electoral College.
The Wyoming LLC (Limited Liability Company) is the most flexible type of business entity offered by any state or country in the world. This is the reason why the LLC has become the entity of choice among many legal, accounting, and business professionals. The structure of the company and the rules that govern the members of the company are contained in a contract called the LLC Operating Agreement, which is drafted by the members of the LLC. This means the terms and rules of each LLC can be tailored to accommodate the specific needs and preferences of an LLC. This is the biggest benefit of an LLC over any other form of business entity. This power is called freedom of contract.
Purpose of the LLC
The total amount of cash and a description and agreed value of property other than cash contributed
Total additional contributions, if any, agreed to be made by all members and the times at which or events upon the happening of which they shall be made
The right, if given, of the members to admit additional members, and the terms and conditions of the admission
The right, if given, of the remaining members of the limited liability company to continue the business on the death, resignation, expulsion, bankruptcy, or dissolution of a member or occurrence of any other event which terminates the continued membership of a member of the limited liability company
Whether the company is run by Managers or Members
Names, Addresses, and Titles of Managers or Members
LLCs must list the name and address of a registered agent with a physical address (no P.O. Boxes).
A single-member LLC that does not elect to be treated as a corporation will be classified as a “disregarded entity”. Single-member LLCs are not recognized by the IRS and therefore pay no taxes at all. Instead, the tax liability is passed through to the member.
Nominee Service consists of Nominee Member (shareholder) and Nominee Manager (director). Both, Corporate and Individual non-resident Nominee Members/Managers are available internationally.
Audit and financial returns: Wyoming LLC is not required to file state or federal tax returns. Whilst there is no requirement to file audited accounts or annual returns with the authorities, a company is required to keep financial records, which should reflect the financial position of a company. An Annual Report is required only in cases, where there is a distribution of profits to US residents.
Certificate of Formation
Statement of Authorized person
LLC Agreement
Minutes of the first meeting
Certificate of Membership
The state of Wyoming makes it mandatory to list the company’s details on the Companies Registry for public viewing. Members and Managers are both in the Government and Public record, but privacy can be maintained through Nominee Service.
For Wyoming LLC we can assist you with the bank account opening internationally. The banks we cooperate with are reliable financial institutions with a long tradition in private and corporate banking. Our clients are provided with excellent customer service, online banking, Visa and/or Master cards, and other services, such as factoring, foreign exchange, savings, and specialized banking solutions.
Copy of the passport
Name of the company. Please send 2-3 names of your choice. Use of the word “Trust” is restricted. Use of the words “Academy,” “Education,” “University” and “School” requires approval by the Department of Education.
Address, telephone number, and e-mail address (contact person)
Your payment to the EURO COMMERCE LLC bank account
What our clients say

Call us and we will start the process of opening a company today or schedule a consultation if you have any doubts